We are at Disney on average at least once a week sometimes more. We also go to Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure all the time, but Disney is just magical. Our Favorite park is Hollywood Studios (AKA MGM). We both have season passes to all the Disney parks and all of Universal and we take FULL advantage of them. It makes me sad that we are moving before any of friends can come visit, but I'm sure we will all take a trip together one day.
Saige, my sister, came to visit for a whole week over Thanksgiving! She had never been to any of the parks before so of course we went and had a blast! It was by far my favorite time since we have moved down here.
I have been wanting one of these since we moved to Florida and I FINALLY found the store that sells them. It's so cool because you get to pick out the cap part in the color you want and then they have all different types of ears to put on it and then you can get it monogrammed for free! and the whole cap was only $15 (a STEAL at Disney!)
Harry Potter World is also one of our Favorite places! Can you say Butterbeer?? It's amazing, I go for the frozen & Caleb goes for Original, but either way its awesome.
Here's some more pictures, for good measure. This was the weekend after we got back from our Honeymoon (which I will write about soon). We went to Magic Kingdom for my first visit (notice I have a 'First Visit' pin and a 'Happily Ever After..' pin!)
Can't you tell Caleb loves the teacups! haha
Disney is one of those places that we cannot wait to bring our kids to one day and tell them all about how we were here all the time when we were first married. We have made SUCH great memories that I will literally cherish forever! We will miss it SO much when we move, We will have to find something to keep ourselves busy!
The Hamiltons
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Dear Student loans,
I really hate you. I don't understand why you can't just have my married name already attached to you. Do you know how hard it is to gather all of this information when you have the name 'Lindsay Smith' and my real name is 'Lindsay Hamilton'. And also, while we're at it. Why do you have to be so dang expensive? I would like you a lot more if you were cheaper. Thanks to you I have been on the phone with Sallie Mae, Campus Loans, and FAFSA ALL morning. You have ruined my day off. Congratulations. See you in April, ugh.
Lindsay HAMILTON (not Smith, get it right)
Lindsay HAMILTON (not Smith, get it right)
Monday, January 3, 2011
Happy New Year!
Hellooo 2011!
2010 was a FANTASTIC year for Caleb and I, for obvious reasons, but 2011 is likely to be just as good! For New Years Eve we got together with some great friends here in Florida and played some boards games, which happens to be our favorite thing ever. We try to have weekly game nights, so New Years was no exception!
Caleb and I being silly on NYE
We usually play a game called 'Settlers of Catan' and if you don't know about it, you should definitely check it out! We also love Buzzwords.. sooo fun! We are SO excited to have friends visit us in Nashville and teach them about Settlers.
Speaking of Nashville, we now have 16 days til the move & its really starting to sink in. I am REALLY going to miss all of my co-managers and associates at Hollister. They have made the time in Florida amazing and I couldn't have picked a better place to work! I can only hope everyone in Nashville will be just as great, but they are definitely going to be hard to beat.
I promise to start uploading more pictures, I really need to start remembering my camera every once in a while.
2010 was a FANTASTIC year for Caleb and I, for obvious reasons, but 2011 is likely to be just as good! For New Years Eve we got together with some great friends here in Florida and played some boards games, which happens to be our favorite thing ever. We try to have weekly game nights, so New Years was no exception!
Caleb and I being silly on NYE
We usually play a game called 'Settlers of Catan' and if you don't know about it, you should definitely check it out! We also love Buzzwords.. sooo fun! We are SO excited to have friends visit us in Nashville and teach them about Settlers.
Speaking of Nashville, we now have 16 days til the move & its really starting to sink in. I am REALLY going to miss all of my co-managers and associates at Hollister. They have made the time in Florida amazing and I couldn't have picked a better place to work! I can only hope everyone in Nashville will be just as great, but they are definitely going to be hard to beat.
I promise to start uploading more pictures, I really need to start remembering my camera every once in a while.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
We're Married! ... Now what?
For Caleb and I getting married didn't greatly change our relationship. We were well aware of what we were getting ourselves into and what to expect out of our marriage, so we easily (and very happily) fell into our roles as wife and husband. Being married has been a blessing that is hard to explain to anyone who hasn't also experienced it. We thankfully haven't had any adjusting to do, I know he's messy and he knows I am even messier. We are both horrible procrastinators, so that's nothing new and at any given time we can be found on our couch playing fetch with Paris, or catching up on our favorite shows.
Since we didn't have a ton of adjusting to do we immediately began planning our lives. We would talk about our futures, where we saw ourselves in 5 years, and tons of other random things. We both knew we didn't want to raise kids in Florida, not because Florida isn't a great state, but because we want our kids to see their grandparents and that wouldn't be possible in Florida. So, the more we talked, the more we started to open up about how we REALLY missed our friends and family. I talked about my sisters constantly and Caleb talked about how his friends had such awesome jobs in Nashville and how he felt like he was missing out. Eventually we came to the conclusion that we would like to move as soon as possible, but it seemed like that possibility was years down the road. We had decided we would be moved in 5 years at the longest, and then Caleb found out about an opening for a position in Nashville and it was all downhill from there. We literally made the decision to move 13 hours away in about a weeks time.
Now, here we are! Moving to Nashville Tennessee in 20 days! We have our lease signed and we're ready to go, minus that small hiccup called packing. Which we have yet to start (did I mention we're both huge procrastinators?). I am SOO excited to be closer to my sister, Saige (who I am sure you will hear tons about) and my best friends and family. I will be about 2 hours from my hometown! Yay!
Random fact: the day we move to Nashville will mark our 5 month anniversary. How many newlyweds can say that within the first 5 months of their marriage they could get married, move 10 hours away, get settled, find jobs, and then move 13 hours away, and still have jobs! Go us!
Since we didn't have a ton of adjusting to do we immediately began planning our lives. We would talk about our futures, where we saw ourselves in 5 years, and tons of other random things. We both knew we didn't want to raise kids in Florida, not because Florida isn't a great state, but because we want our kids to see their grandparents and that wouldn't be possible in Florida. So, the more we talked, the more we started to open up about how we REALLY missed our friends and family. I talked about my sisters constantly and Caleb talked about how his friends had such awesome jobs in Nashville and how he felt like he was missing out. Eventually we came to the conclusion that we would like to move as soon as possible, but it seemed like that possibility was years down the road. We had decided we would be moved in 5 years at the longest, and then Caleb found out about an opening for a position in Nashville and it was all downhill from there. We literally made the decision to move 13 hours away in about a weeks time.
Now, here we are! Moving to Nashville Tennessee in 20 days! We have our lease signed and we're ready to go, minus that small hiccup called packing. Which we have yet to start (did I mention we're both huge procrastinators?). I am SOO excited to be closer to my sister, Saige (who I am sure you will hear tons about) and my best friends and family. I will be about 2 hours from my hometown! Yay!
Random fact: the day we move to Nashville will mark our 5 month anniversary. How many newlyweds can say that within the first 5 months of their marriage they could get married, move 10 hours away, get settled, find jobs, and then move 13 hours away, and still have jobs! Go us!
First Post
Hi all!
This is my first attempt at blogging, so we will see how it goes. I have been wanting to do this forever, but found that I am terribly blogging illiterate, thanks to my good friend Amanda I have now (somewhat) figured it out.
I'll start off with a little about the Hamiltons. We are both recent graduates of Auburn University (War Eagle!), we were married on August 21st of this year, and we live in Melbourne Florida. My husband, Caleb, works for a company called Harris Corporation as a Software Engineer and I work as an Assistant Manager at Hollister Co. We both love our jobs and are very grateful to have them, but we have decided that Florida is just not for us. Being a plane ride away from your friends and family really takes a toll on you and we have decided to relocate to Nashville Tennessee! We are SO excited about this move that is happening in just 20 short days! When we move I will be staying with the company I am with and Caleb will be working with a company called Metova as a Software Engineer. He will be making phone apps and he's super excited to get started.
Now a little about our Dog! She's a Yorkie named Paris and she will turn 5 on February 22nd! She keeps us laughing and never ceases to amaze us with her clumsiness. When we were first married I actually thought Caleb and her wouldn't get along so great, but he has fell in love with her. They are 2 peas in a pod, for sure. Wanna see what her cute self looks like? Of course you do!
We love her :)
Anyways, that is all for my first post as an official blogger. Get ready for a fun ride with us!
This is my first attempt at blogging, so we will see how it goes. I have been wanting to do this forever, but found that I am terribly blogging illiterate, thanks to my good friend Amanda I have now (somewhat) figured it out.
I'll start off with a little about the Hamiltons. We are both recent graduates of Auburn University (War Eagle!), we were married on August 21st of this year, and we live in Melbourne Florida. My husband, Caleb, works for a company called Harris Corporation as a Software Engineer and I work as an Assistant Manager at Hollister Co. We both love our jobs and are very grateful to have them, but we have decided that Florida is just not for us. Being a plane ride away from your friends and family really takes a toll on you and we have decided to relocate to Nashville Tennessee! We are SO excited about this move that is happening in just 20 short days! When we move I will be staying with the company I am with and Caleb will be working with a company called Metova as a Software Engineer. He will be making phone apps and he's super excited to get started.
Now a little about our Dog! She's a Yorkie named Paris and she will turn 5 on February 22nd! She keeps us laughing and never ceases to amaze us with her clumsiness. When we were first married I actually thought Caleb and her wouldn't get along so great, but he has fell in love with her. They are 2 peas in a pod, for sure. Wanna see what her cute self looks like? Of course you do!

Anyways, that is all for my first post as an official blogger. Get ready for a fun ride with us!
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